Join marketing and web development expert Greg Shanken, Founder of Gloss (and Co-Founder of the Psychedelic Business Association & Colorado Psychedelic Society), for an informative, entertaining, and info-packed (FREE) live class to discover how you can maximize your impact with your psychedelic healing practice.
The art and science of attracting, engaging, and acquiring clients is by no means easy, and involves many critical steps…
You must create professional branding; compelling content within an engaging website that conveys your passion, credibility, values, principles and spirit; implement best-practices to convert prospects into clients, and more…
Greg will share why (and how) you must embed authentic empathy into your messaging, content, and online presence to minimize client friction so that the right potential clients engage with you and your services.
Host: Cory Firth
Cory will be hosting the mini class having spent the last 4 years immersed in the psychedelic advocacy world, starting or helping to grow 4 non-profits that have successfully advocated for psychedelics all across the world. From the UK, to Australia, to Canada and the US, so much has happened over the last 4 years that will help shape the future of psychedelics in our culture. In this class we want to share with you the process of creating a practice that embodies your personal values and engages with your clients in a way that consciously connects to the purpose of your work.
Educator: Greg Shanken
Greg Shanken is deeply immersed in serving the psychedelic ecosystem:
Neuma Centre For Psychedelic Safety & Response
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