All professional training is accredited by our partners at St. Lawrence College

All professional training is accredited by our partners at St. Lawrence College

Our Programs

Nature-based, science-backed experiential learning programs to support your personal or professional growth

Personal Exploration Program

Learn from experts with 20+ years of experience how to incorporate psychedelics into your life through best practices, real-world theory, history and personalized experience.

Learn More & Register

Professional Practitioner Training

Begin your journey of becoming a professional psychedelic care provider and learn from world-class experts leading the way in psychedelic care and health innovation.

Request A Personal Discovery Call

Message Caitlyn for a more personalized understanding of how our programs can support your personal and professional needs.

Request A Personalized Discovery Call

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Discovery Call

Message Caitlyn for a more personalized understanding of how our programs can support your personal and professional needs.